The Eternal Mother
I once came through a virgin, to share the burden of bitter sweet experience only creature life can give. Now I see you, awash with innocence and ripe for motherhood, ready for the discovery of eternal love that only self sacrifice and suffering can bring. As I seek to come through you to be mothered as an innocent child, why do you turn away? I know I will bring you salty tears of painful joy that will fall onto my wrinkled cheeks; I know that in the deepest nights I will hear your tiredly sweet lullabies caress my listening ears; I know that you will hide your secret aspirations in a veil of loving smiles. Alas, in God’s eternal scheme, our time together will be short and sweet. But I will watch over you forever; hopeful that the love I awaken in you will stir your deepest longings to be my partner in eternal life.